Monday, September 28, 2009

Tatiana Taylor - Ever Heard of Her? You Will...................

So we normally don’t just publish these random chicks that do some nude shit for Playboy, but this chick really got to us. Damn is she freakin smokin HOT!! How bout the rack on this girl?

Look, we won’t bore you to death, just check out the gallery of this chick below. Wow…………….


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Trust me, it was hard finding appropriate pictures for this post

Let’s face it. Everyone’s going to experience varying degrees of embarrassment in their lifetime. No amount of careful planning or extreme level of avoidance is going to get you through life unscathed by failure, feelings of shame, or unusual amounts of humiliation. If your parents didn’t teach you this at a very early age, then you will have farther to fall, but take comfort in the fact that most of your friends will probably have a good laugh at your expense. It’s your basic win-win situation, with the exception being that it’s much harder to find the “win” as you’re falling than it is for your friends to fist-pump while shaming you with a Sharpie.

You don't have to be the ass in a demotivational poster, but chances are you will.

There are some things, however, that I find shouldn’t need step-by-step instructions or hours of intense research from such renowned resources as Texts From Last Night or Take, for example, women and general gynecological decorum. It should go without saying, or explaining in written form, that when at the gynecologist’s office pretend you’re Roman. No, not dressed in a feather-plumed helmet and ready to conquer lots of countries. But basically, assess your environment and look for cues as to what to do next. Maybe come prepared with a list of questions, but by no means should a gal use this as an opportunity to show off her flexibility, her witty sense of humor, or lack of inhibitions. Perhaps a detailed list IS in order.

1. You don’t have to be laid back, feet up in the stirrups before the doctor even comes in the room. You are not at home or in the corner of a random bar at 3:00 a.m.

2. No matter where your ass is on the exam table, you’re going to be told to scoot down. And scoot down some more. And then maybe one more little scootch. Try not to let air escape from either of your orifices. This is your BIGGEST no-queef/no-fart moment of the year. If you fail in this moment, you will ruin your carefully constructed atmosphere of pretending your girl parts aren’t hanging out in the breeze. Burping is probably okay and even though it’s a little lowbrow, you’re doctor will be mentally thanking you.

3. It’s perfectly natural for some women’s nipples to be erect during the breast exam. But if they look like two uninterested silver dollars, DO NOT pinch them in an attempt to look perky. More than likely, you’ll probably spend this time avoiding your doctor’s eye contact and humming the Sesame Street theme song in your head. Don’t forget to say “monthly” when asked how often you perform a breast exam. Synchronize that word and this moment in your mind and make a silent vow to start performing monthly breast exams. You may think that having a steady partner or just being a ho on a regular basis means this job is done, thereby giving you permission to check it off your list, but you are wrong.

4. When the physical exam is over and the doctor hands you some tissues, avoid taking this as an opportunity to be cute and saying something like, “That’ll be $75!” That’s just going to make you sound cheap. And probably a little disrespectful.

Nice ‘stache. Did you print your medical degree off the Internets?

5. One thing that always seems to come up: questions about your sexual activity. This may include a question like, “Do you have anal sex?” IT’S A LEGITIMATE, HEALTH-RELATED QUESTION! It’s not going to be posed to you like, “Do you ever put the p in your a and then back in your v?” You cannot text in your answer. You should just be honest despite the fact that the nurse is going to call you a skank whore the minute you leave.

I think that’s a pretty comprehensive list and definitely feel like I’m doing my part for the betterment of a younger generation of women….and gynecologists. I am going to add this skill to my resume. You’re WELCOME.

Slap ass - bite neck

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Censor Censorship: A Manifesto

The reason why the USA is probably the top close-minded developed country is the ridiculously strict censorship. A week ago (September 13th), a British film about Charles Darwin saw this problem face-to-face. It has failed to find a U.S. distributor because the subject of evolution is too controversial for Americans. The U.S. needs to get off their ignorant asses, and open their minds. The U.S. film distributors need to come out of their hiding spots and not be scared of a little controversy. Controversy is a good thing. It gets you noticed!

U.S. censorship has become so out-of-hand, that artists have begun to censor themselves. There are artists out there who feel they cannot fully express themselves without being harassed by people from agencies like the FCC and MPAA. When a person feels like they can’t fully express themselves, it’s called repression. The government is repressing artists on a daily basis. Last time I checked the history books, repression is a bad thing. Right? Slavery was repression. What the U.S. is doing to it’s artists is the equivalent to slavery. The government has repressed the artist’s freedom of expression.

It’s time for the U.S. to stop being scared of change. Of differences. Of controversy. If the United States are supposed to be “united,” why do I feel so left out?

Monday, September 21, 2009

The power to be~an (sorta) interview with Ruby Cantu

An Interview with Ruby Cantu

Growing up I was this, that or the other, grown up I have been this, that or the other as well (I could spell this, that or the other to you, but use your imagination while I keep some filth off the internets).

We are all responsible for ourselves. Whatever went on when we were young, once we are adults, we have to get over it and become the people we want to be.

We can only blame so much of it on the physical and emotional abuse, or the divorce of our parents. Sure there is much truth in how these incidents do screw up individuals, especially when it comes to trust. I had an ex who once admitted a former girlfriend had cheated on him and because of her I was never to be trusted, well there is a reason he is an ex.

What about others?

The others…if the others are children we are responsible for molding them, but after a certain point they are who they are.

Can we make them into what we want them to be?

We can’t, at least in my experience I haven’t found it to work this way…several have tried making me into something I can never be, I will always be the imperfectly perfect person I am, like it or not, don’t like it kiss my big fat ass…or flat ass, depending on which way my ass is going…one day it’s big then the next day I can’t find it…sheesh, I love my ass!

Should we want to change them, or can we grow to accept that people are different?

I don’t want to change anyone, why would I want to make them into something they only are for my benefit? We are all different and different isn’t always bad…what if I made them what I wanted/needed them to be for me but they weren’t who they needed/wanted to be for themselves, maybe I’d be happy but they wouldn’t be happy (deep inside) and sure I might pretend it’s okay, but I would know.

I’m still feeling these thoughts out and I try to see the world from different angles…

The Hair/Azz Combination

Last week I got hit on by a clown.  I’m not sure if I should be insulted or flattered.  Should I consider it the ultimate high or did I reach a new low?  Let me share the circumstances of the compliment.  I was wearing a form-fitting sundress and a pair of oversized sunglasses.  My hair was flowing free with bouncy curls and my black woman ass-ets were in full effect.  He started with, “Excuse me…”.  I thought it was a good enough opening line, especially since he said it from behind.  I swear I’m not trying to rhyme.  He followed up with, “I just have to tell you that I think you’re beautiful.”  I turned and saw that he was dressed in full clown regalia complete with hair and nose.  Wow.  WOW.  I thought for a moment.  Then, the words came.  “Thank you,” I replied.  “You look really nice as a clown.”  WHAT ELSE WAS I SUPPOSED TO SAY???  He shoved his business card my way.  “I look nice underneath this clown suit too.”  Me: A nervous laugh.  Shudder.  Breathe.  Take the card and leave.  I thanked him and moved on.  My girlfriend, translation: friend who is a girl, could not stop laughin.  “Was that a clown?” she said.  I couldn’t answer.  I kept walking and laughing to myself.  When I stopped to contemplate the Pheromone exchange, I realized the clown couldn’t possibly have seen my face.  So, then what part of “beautiful” had warranted me the forthright response?  I determined it must have been the Hair/Azz combination.

I submit to you Exhibit A: the post-baby derriere.  Opposed to the pre-baby derriere, the post-baby derriere is wider, plumper and sags with a certain umph.  It is characterized by such terms as phat dunk, round mound… you get the point.  It’s much more than most men can handle publicly.  Usually met with a wince, deep breath, or a conscious effort to resist erection, the post-baby derriere is highly praised for ending slavery, solving the Cuban Missile Crisis (single-cheekedly), and preemptively nominating the first-lady to Maxim’s Top Ten Hot List.  Seriously.  Don’t underestimate the post-baby derriere’s power.  You’ll lose every time.

Exhibit B: The long and flowy non-weave.  Blame it on the potential “pullability” factor in a heightened climatic environment.  Blame it on the endless Pantene commercials and Cindy Crawford ads of  the 90’s.  Blame it on the adverse affect of Pink and Rhianna’s boyishly mod haircuts.  The sex appeal of long, natural locks in a summer breeze is undeniable.  Its importance is comparable to the ebb and flow of the tide to a seaman, and the star and crescent moon to a muslim.  Oh yeah, it is that deep.  If you don’t think so, ask the Koreans who have capitalized on the unbeweavable trend of merchandising pre-packaged synthetic and human hair to the African-American community.  What’s that you say?  Yes, I do know that white women wear weave.  Right now, that’s not the subject.  When you write your blog, you can talk about Taylor Swift’s extensions.  Right now, sistas are the topic.  At least the clown that day dubbed it that way.

I am a black woman.  I celebrate black women in all their beauty - cafe au lait and creamy caramel to deep, dark, velvety cacao bean.  I’ve worn my hair near bald, natural, pressed and permed.  I love it all.  This is not an exploitation of the features of black women or any other race of women for that matter.  This is merely my observation of a series of isolated incidents, a simple cause and effect scenario if you will.  I am here to testify about the case of one clown who accosted me with flattery not once but twice. (He also found me at the street fair 45 minutes later and said, “I see you!”)  I’m here to testify about men everywhere from Waikiki to Washington D.C., California to the Cayman Islands, and Illinois to Italy, who have gawked, leered and incited riots on my behalf.  The Hair/Azz combination is to be respected and feared.  Many times they have stood alone and are a marvel to behold.  Together they present overwhelming evidence in support of one hell of a case of merriment and wonderment.  If you don’t believe me, ask the clown.

Persnickets Self-Adjustment: Be prepared for anything and expect the unexpected.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My ass has been spotted!

Due to my ass showing up on all sorts of websites nowadays I’ve started getting some leads on where it might be. I thought I’d share some with you.

“i feel compelled to let you know that your ass has been spotted at the embassy of great britain in washington DC.

it was crossing the street in a very quick manner as if it was running from something… or someone!

i hope this tip has been helpful and that it will aid you in your search.

may you find your ass in good health.

peace and love”

“Not sure what, if anything I can offer other than moral support but I do wish you the best in your efforts to reclaim what appears to have been one hell of an impressive donk. Damned gypsies. On a comforting note, I am sure the replacement ass is not without a certain level of charm.


I have an “impressive donk”. I love that shit. And finally, my favorite thus far: “I think you might be in luck! Your ass escaped her romanian gypsy camp in the fall of 2003, but not without heartbreak. You see, by the time it made it to the resistance group she had already lost much of her spirit. Years after sitting around mourning the loss of her fallen asses back in the labor camps had made her fat and saggy. That all changed when she met Renaldo. He tought her to love again, to live. She got her ass off the couch and started to become active again and to stop crying about her fat posterior. They lived happily ever after. Until Renaldo got hit by a train.” This is the reason that I do things like post missing ass posters.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


He encontrado un par de páginas con bellas fotos de culos peludos, ideales para chupetear:

Seguro que hay más, seguiremos buscando. Os dejo algunos de estos culetes calentitos:

Este es magnífico para chupar

Con ese cipote, el culo casi pasa desapercibido

La foto será muy artística, pero no vemos el ojete

Hombre guapo con bigote y pelos en el culo

Este es el culo peludo que más circula por la red

Monday, September 14, 2009

Lindsey Evans - Former Naughty Teen Beauty Queen Gives It Up For Playboy!!!

Remember Lindsey Evans? She’s the hot little piece (see lots of pics after the jump) that won the Miss Louisiana Teen Beauty Paegant last year. Subsequently, she got busted for walking out on a tab in a restaurant, and then arrested for having weed in her purse (which should not be against the law!!!). As a result of being busted with the weed, poor Lindsey was stripped of her crown.

Click here by the way check out this past post of other beauty paegant winners gone “bad”……………

Anyways, so Lindsey has done the right thing to move on from this controversy, she’s posed nude for Playboy!!! It’s really the right thing to do if you think about it. So click below to see all of the nude pics of the SMOKIN HOT Lindsey Evans. Enjoy…………